Our Mission

Developing the Ultimate Vaccine for Malaria Elimination
UltiMalVax is an ambitious accelerated research programme with the objective of developing the first malaria vaccine with clinical efficacy in preventing both P. falciparum and P. vivax malaria, which would also impact on the transmission of both parasites with a single vaccine formulation.
The consortium brings together academics, non-profits and a wide range of companies with both leading technologies and access to small and large scale GMP manufacturing capacity.
UltiMalVax builds on the recent success of several partners in the R21/Matrix-MTM malaria vaccine programme. It aims to accelerate the malaria eradication agenda by providing the first vaccine to tackle the two major malaria parasite species and confer both individual and community.
What is Malaria?
Malaria is a deadly disease that has been with us for millions of years resulting in countless loss of life. WHO estimates that in 2022 there were about 249 million clinical cases, and 608,000 malaria deaths globally, with the great majority of these in Africa.
It is a particularly unfair driver of greater human inequity, predominantly affecting not just many of the lowest income countries in the world, but within these, the rural poor, and amongst these killing mostly young children. This impact of malaria occurs despite billion dollars being spent annually on malaria control using insecticides, bed nets and drug prevention and treatment. New tools such as vaccines are needed to move from controlling/reducing mortality to elimination and eventual eradication of malaria.
Malaria disease is preventable and curable, but continues to be a major public health problem affecting millions of people every year. UltiMalVax is committed to developing a vaccine that will help eliminate malaria for good.